Alex Chronis (or Wombat, as he was better known) was a Wellington mountain biker, long-time bike industry stalwart, and fantastically talented rider. As a junior, he held both the junior DH and XC national champion titles. And he was passionate about helping people - there's a story of him taking a sales rep from a competing bike distributor on his rounds to bike shops when the sales rep's car was broken down
Alex passed away in his sleep last year, and we've been working with a community of his workmates and friends to establish a lasting memorial of his life.
We're proud to announce the Alex Chronis Memorial Prize, which will be awarded to an outstanding junior racer at the Waimapihi Enduro each year. The prize will be available to all Under-19 and younger riders in the hard course, and will have a Giro Insurgent helmet (valued at $699) as a prize. We're really thankful to Giro for their support in this award.